Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Boycott ThaiVisa.com!

There are many reasons to boycott ThaiVisa.com.  The gratuitous advertising and the moderation are two of the big things most people complain about.

However, bills do need to be paid and salaries need to be met, and all of this has to be done while not pissing off advertisers and thus people like Drew Walter Noyes are allowed to advertise his "legal" services on ThaiVisa.com

Drew Noyes is the Managing Director (or some such shite) of One Stop Services in Pattaya, Thailand. Mr. Noyes, who once billed himself as the "Only American Licensed To Practice Law in Thailand" is nothing more than a swindler making his way amongst those who don't know better.  

Drew Noyes is currently involved in three criminal cases due to fraud and libel and more are following soon. These cases are directly linked to his work as a "legal professional" and a "publisher".  He has been in court at least twice in the many cases against him when he was UNABLE to get legal representation for himself.  More cases will be following in the very near future against this obvious fraudster.  

Drew Noyes and his wife being arrested for extortion

Here's the kind of claims you will be hearing from Drew if you retain his services:
The Best of Drew's Completely Outlandish Lies - It Was Cheap Beer and Cheap Girls that Brought Drew to Thailand

You would expect a powerhouse like ThaiVisa.com to have ethical behavior in the advertisers they accept.  Remember, all of us expats here were noobies at one time and would you want to have been referred to a conman by a forum that is known for giving the best advice to expats possible? 

Therefore I ask you to boycott ThaiVisa.com until the forum takes a look into those they receive advertising revenue from.   I wouldn't want a friend clicking on OneStop's ad or listening to Drew Noyes posts and thinking that's good advice because ThaiVisa allows him to advertise.

1 comment:

  1. Salaries? Don't business based in Thailand need to provide at least 1 job for a Thai for every foreigner Work Permit?
